October - December

World Play Day, May 2023
BOLD, ACS and MNC Childcare Centre organized a World Play Day event on 28th May. Seven volunteers and eight children from BOLD participated in this event.
Supporting children with reading difficulties
Under BOLD’s Focus on Literacy (FOL) program for 5-8 years old children with difficulties in learning the basic skills of reading and writing, 72 children were taught by 23 teachers as of 31 October 2023.

Storytelling workshops for students
A total of 19 online storytelling workshops (10 in Malay and 9 in Chinese) have been conducted in 2023, with two more scheduled for November and December.


February- March

Collaboration with House of Hope
BOLD conducted a 4-week intensive literacy class for children from the House of Hope (HoH) from 20 February to 17 March 2023. A total of five teachers and ten students attended this special session each weekday, with six students enrolled in the Malay literacy class and four students in the Chinese literacy class.


‘We Are Friends’
BOLD presented its ‘We Are Friends’ books to Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Pulau Pinang for their distribution to schools in Penang.